
All material on the History Center of Olmsted County website is copyrighted by the HCOC unless otherwise indicated. It is for the personal use of students, scholars, and the public. Copying or redistribution for commercial gain without permission of the HCOC is prohibited.

The nature of historical archival collections means that copyright or other information about restrictions may be difficult to determine. Whenever possible, the HCOC provides information about copyright owners and other restrictions in the catalog records, finding aids, and donor records. The HCOC provides such information as a service to aid patrons in determining the appropriate use of an item, but the legal determination ultimately rests with the patron.

Material reproduced from the collections of the History Center of Olmsted County is for personal viewing and use only. Permission for commercial use of any publication, manipulation, display or distribution is only granted by written application to the HCOC. ‘Material’: includes all or any information, artwork, text, video, audio, animation or image files including digital and analog formats, whether downloaded or requested by the client or supplied by the History Center of Olmsted County.

‘License Agreement’ means a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license outlining the fees, the permitted use of ROM images or other material in a specific product(s) and the terms and conditions of use. These Terms and Conditions do not constitute a License Agreement. Additionally please note that ANY use of digital or other photographic copies beyond personal use, will require prior permission from HCOC. Permission must be obtained for publication in any form, including websites.

Conditions of Use

The permission to use an image or other media from the collections of the History Center of Olmsted County is granted as long as the following conditions are met.

  • Possession of an HCOC image or reproduction in any form does not constitute the permission to use it. Permission must be requested in writing.
  • Permission is for one-time, one-media, or one-project use only. The HCOC retains all rights to the images and material and they may not be used for any other purpose than that listed on this form.
  • Requestor must pay any required use fee (see Use Fees below) when submitting the Request for Permission to Publish form.• Credit must be given to the HCOC and the creator of the work, if known. Credit should read: Courtesy of History Center of Olmsted County.
  • Credit must appear with the image, on a credit page that indicates the page number and position on the page, or in the case of a moving image or audio clip captioned to include the correct title and credit with the footage or at the end of film.
  • If the image is still under copyright and the copyright is not held by the HCOC, the Requestor must seek permission from the creator of the work or from the current copyright holder. The HCOC will provide the creator’s name, if known.
  • The HCOC assumes no responsibility for infraction of copyright laws, invasion of privacy, or any other improper or illegal use that may arise from reproduction of any image.
  • Photographs may be cropped to suit design and layout, but may not be altered in any other way without specific written permission.
  • The HCOC reserves the right to require a copy of the publication, production, broadcast, or compiled, finished work as part of this use agreement. Send the copy to: Research Center & Archives, History Center of Olmsted County, 1195 West Circle Drive SW, Rochester, MN 55902.
  • The History Center reserves the right to decline reproduction of fragile items or for illegal use.
  • The History Center reserves the right to decline permission to anyone who has not complied with the above conditions.

History Center of Olmsted County Use Fees

  • Possession of any reproduction from the HCOC collections does not constitute permission to use it.
  • All fees are in U.S. dollars and are charged per image for a single use.
  • The permission to use reproductions from the History Center of Olmsted County collections is granted when conditions of use are met.
  • Use fees are waived for Personal, Educational, Minnesota Non-Profits, and Minnesota Media. See Use Fee Definitions, below, for further details.

Type of License Per still image or 30 seconds of audio/visual material
Under 1000 print only $15
1000 - 10,000 (Print and E-book) $30
10,000 - 25,000 (Print and E-book) $50
Over 25,000 (Print and E-book) $100
Electronic Bundle (includes website) $150
Newspapers/Magazines or other published material under 50,000 circulation $30
Over 50,000 circulation $50
Brochures and other misc. printed material under 1000 copies $15
Over 1000 copies $50
Public TV $100
Network TV $200
Worldwide TV $250
Website $100
Broadcast media bundle (including website) $300
Advertising Regional market (one ad, all media) $100
Advertising World market (one ad, all media) $500
Digital Media (CD or DVD) $50
Merchandise items $100
Exhibit or Display $30

Use Fee Definitions

Non-Minnesota Non-Profit: A non-profit organization not based in Minnesota.

Commercial: The image(s) will be published, displayed, or broadcast in a commercial environment for profit. This includes commercial web-
sites representing a person or corporation who sell goods or services.

Exhibit or Display: Displayed image(s) in a public environment, including but not limited too a restaurant, museum, or sales office.

Personal: The image(s) will be used only in a private home. They will not be reproduced for any purpose.

Educational: Will be used by a K-12 school, a College, a University for publication, classroom or lecture purposes. Includes students who
are using the material for their class work.

Minnesota Non-Profit: A Minnesota 501(c)(3) organization. Any profit from the publication, display, or broadcast will go into the account
of the non-profit organization and not to an individual or corporation.