Welcome to Mayowood located at:
3720 Mayowood Road SW
Rochester, MN 55902
Parking is available at Mayowood and tickets may be purchased by clicking on the Tickets button above.
Directions if coming from West Circle Drive or Salem Road:
- Turn onto County Road 25
- Drive past Autumn Ridge Church on right
- Turn left onto Mayowood Road
- Once over the Zumbro River bridge, turn right and drive through the Mayowood entrance gate and up the hill to the parking lot
- Alternate Salem Road Directions:
- Turn onto Bamber Valley Road (County Road 8)
- At stop sign turn right (Bamber Valley School on left after turn)
- Drive past the Stone Barn Event Center on right
- Take first left and drive through the Mayowood entrance gate and up the hill to the house parking lot
For additional assistance with directions, please call 507-282-9447
Mayowood is privately owned by Mayo Clinic and is closed to the general public on non-tour days. The public is not allowed on the grounds without a pre registered tour ticket during business hours. Please adhere to the posted signs on the property entrance. Mayo Clinic requests that NO photos are taken at the home.